
Knights of Columbus 

Sons of Mother Seton

Council 9847

     Sons of Mother Seton council was formed in June of 1983.  Since then we have been very active, striving to support our Church, the community, and our families through our works of charity and fraternity as brothers in Christ.  We can do this with the unity of men and their family working together at each task we take on.

     I believe that I, and sure many others, am a better Christian, husband, father and member of our parish due to following the principles of this brotherhood of MEN.

     Do you think you should be one of us?  I’m sure you should. Press on the “How to Join“, watch the video, and fill out the contact form.  Our membership Team will contact you and get you started.

GOD Bless.

Zac Cannon

Grand Knight

Click card to contact

INSURANCE NIGHT - Wednesday 15 January, 7:00 PM. Field Agent James Misa will give a program on retirement planning.